Wednesday, January 30, 2008

making progress

It is wretchedly cold seems like some kind of cruel joke after the balmy weekend we had. It was 40 degrees on Monday, and I never wanted to have to go inside! We took a long walk and enjoyed the weather. Tuesday, however, was a different story, and this morning it was a chill -12, with a wind chill factor in the -30s. Back to hibernation for us, I suppose. But this has got to be the worst of it, because February and March are usually warmer. Here's hoping!
We're working on getting back into some respectable semblance of order here. When my mother-in-law braved the elements to stay with us for a week, she unfortunately had to live with us in a pretty dishevelled house. Between the general chaos of having a new baby and sleep deprivation, things are definitely piling up on the desks and dressers around here. We're slowly working on that. Today I tackled my spit-up couch, and scrubbed it stem to stern. I feel better already.
In other news, Isaac had his 2-year old appt, and he looks very healthy. He's in the 85% for height and 65% for weight, which I'm happy with. He was totally freaked out about stripping down in a strange room and then getting laid down on a cold scale, but he did well overall. I also weighed Claire, and she's already 10lbs, 4 oz. It's a relief to know that, with all the spitting up, enough is staying in to help her grow.
But enough about numbers and milk. I know you all just look at this for pictures of my sweet little girl. Here she is...

1 comment:

SMS said...

What a beautiful little lady :)