Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Claire went for her 6 month checkup yesterday. She clocked in at 16 lbs even, which puts her in the 49th % for weight, and she was in the 30th % for height. Go figure! My doctor said that my roly-poly baby is probably going to end up being an average baby in the end. That's fine, but her height still has me stumped. Maybe she's got the Whitaker height genes, or maybe she'll just keep growing when everyone else slows down, like Isaac has. I don't mind if she's shorter than me, though...just think of the shoe options she'd have available to her! :)

She's a healthy, happy little girl, though. She's getting on her hands and knees more and more, and she's started rocking, so I think crawling is probably a month or two away. She loves loves loves to eat. She can sit up by herself as long as she supports with her hands, but can't quite do it without yet. She's going and growing...I can hardly believe how fast the time is flying by!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

"The Whitaker height genes"? Excuse me? I beg your pardon, little lady, but those Whitaker height genes are quite above average, thankyouverymuch. Your husband is 6 ft. tall, and so is his father, may I remind you. We are no slouches in the height department. Those gentle giants that you call your relatives have tainted your perception of reality. Hmph.