Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eviction Notice

Dear Baby Girl,

In case you are not aware, let me inform you of an important fact: TODAY IS YOUR DUE DATE.

I know you are your own person. I know you have your own agenda and your own personality. I'm getting over the fact that my third baby is going to be the first overdue one. Really, I can deal with it. Mostly that's due to family sickness this week--I'm actually kind of glad that you haven't decided to show up in the middle of our sore-throated, ear-infected, head-pounding, exhausted week.

But as I'm starting to climb out of my sickness-induced fog, my dissatisfaction with the current situation is growing. It's time for you to leave, dear. There are bigger and better things in store for you. Let's get on with it, shall we?

My hips are no longer interested in holding you. My arms are. See you soon!


Your mother

PS - I don't know what you've got going on tonight, but I'm free...what do you think??


juillet said...

hahahaha great post :)

good luck!

Jen said...

Welcome to the overdue club :) I hope I won't be welcoming you into the "nine days late" club!

Anonymous said...

What a great post!! Ha! Baby girl, you've got a funny mommy!

Anonymous said...

What a great post!! Ha! Baby girl, you've got a funny mommy!